
I often have ideas for this blog when I walk. Usually I forget them. That’s fine. I actually prefer to sit down with nothing planned at all. There is fun to be had, as a clueless creator, sat in front of a blank page. The mystery, as always, of what will emerge. Something always does. Sometimes good, sometime Meh. But something.

Sometimes I have to wrestle with that something until it looks like a something with which I’m not too uncomfortable pressing the “Publish” button for. It’s that button which turns the something in our heads into something that everyone can see.

It happens when we write. When we sing. Whenever we open our mouths and say something.

It never stops being a vulnerable moment.

But until we do that, in one way or another, we remain as isolated islands, locked in by the surrounding sea, into a community of one.

And that can be fine and enjoyable for a while. Some of us like, even prefer, our own company. I happen to think though, that we’ve all got something to share with the world that could make it better. Sometime the quiet ones in particular have something we need to hear.

So sometimes, even if only occasionally, that button might be better off getting pressed.

ps. are there times when we regret pressing the button? YES! Are there people we wish wouldn’t press the button nearly so much? YES! (Keep it to yourselves if that last one’s me! ;-)

Discover Fee’s Music


Touch The Moon


What If We Tried It This Way?